OVO Women's tour Stage 3 2019- coming through Faringdon
Great Video- focussed on Faringdon from 1 minute on https://www.womenstour.co.uk/video/flavour-of-the-day-oxfordshire/?
and many photos on https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1474734066011299&type=3
and a great video by Jack Macartney - Gloucester St https://www.facebook.com/jack.macartney.9/videos/10155977654321216/
When the OVO Womens Tour came through Fabulous Faringdon on the 12th June 2019 - we celebrated as only Faringdon can!
Organised almost entirely by Sjoerd Vogt, our Town Crier. His energy and enthusiam in getting so many organisations and people to contribute made it a wonderful occasion.
Quote from Sjoerd 'Wasn't it great fun yesterday - and a wonderful celebration of all things whackily Faringdon?? Dressing up in PINK even forced the weather smile down on us: it didn't DARE to rain ....
HUGE thanks to all those individuals who gave so willingly of their time to ensure that the pink fizz flowed so freely - you know who you are!
HUGE thanks to ALL for joining in so enthusiastically; for all the surprises; for the rhapsodic support; for the exuberance and the Faringdon full-blooded pigeon passion. Wow!
HUGE thanks to the council, the clubs & societies, the churches, the businesses, the shops and cafes - and especially the schools! Weren't they absolutely amazing? A big pink pat on the back for all. ( no - not cowpat; we're talking about the real stuff here: pigeon poo...... )'
and many photos on https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1474734066011299&type=3
and a great video by Jack Macartney - Gloucester St https://www.facebook.com/jack.macartney.9/videos/10155977654321216/
When the OVO Womens Tour came through Fabulous Faringdon on the 12th June 2019 - we celebrated as only Faringdon can!
Organised almost entirely by Sjoerd Vogt, our Town Crier. His energy and enthusiam in getting so many organisations and people to contribute made it a wonderful occasion.
Quote from Sjoerd 'Wasn't it great fun yesterday - and a wonderful celebration of all things whackily Faringdon?? Dressing up in PINK even forced the weather smile down on us: it didn't DARE to rain ....
HUGE thanks to all those individuals who gave so willingly of their time to ensure that the pink fizz flowed so freely - you know who you are!
HUGE thanks to ALL for joining in so enthusiastically; for all the surprises; for the rhapsodic support; for the exuberance and the Faringdon full-blooded pigeon passion. Wow!
HUGE thanks to the council, the clubs & societies, the churches, the businesses, the shops and cafes - and especially the schools! Weren't they absolutely amazing? A big pink pat on the back for all. ( no - not cowpat; we're talking about the real stuff here: pigeon poo...... )'